
Venerdì, 06 Aprile 2018 14:37

Facebook: Italian Competition Authority opens new investigation

Facebook: Italian Competition Authority opens new investigation

On 6 April the Italian Competition Authority AGCM opened a new proceeding against Facebook for alleged unfair practices against consumers pursuant to the Italian Consumer Code.

The investigation focuses on the incomplete information provided by FB during the registration phase with reference to the collection and use for commercial purposes of consumers’ data, including those generated on FB’s apps (WhatsApp and Instagram) as well as on third parties’ websites/apps. The Italian Authority is moreover seeking to clarify whether FB unduly induced consumers to accept the automatic transfer of their data to/from third parties’ websites/apps.

Under the Italian Consumer Code, any undertaking found responsible for unfair practices against consumers may incur an administrative sanction up to €5 million.

The full text of the AGCM press release can be found here.

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